Our Success Stories

"With the Ada App, we give female colleagues the opportunity to take charge of their career development in a self-determined way and to make their own strengths seen and heard. Individualized micro-learning with tips and tricks that can be perfectly integrated into everyday work. That's what we get from our cooperation with Ada Growth."

Claudia Maikisch
Head of Human Resources - EY Austria

"We are convinced that gender balance and gender equity contribute significantly to business success. Together with Ada Growth, we create a work environment in which women can flourish. With the Ada app, if I want, I get short and concise daily inputs and thought-provoking ideas that empower me and that I can apply right away. After all, change always starts with you."

Andrea Martens-Horvath
HR Senior Manager at Verbund

"Dorda and Ada Growth are a real "perfect fit". We at "Women@Dorda", we stand for more visibility, more self-confidence and fun and joy in networking. These are exactly the themes and values that Ada Growth stands for as well, so we're really excited to take our mentoring program to the next level with the Ada App."

Magdalena Nitsche
Attorney at Law - DORDA Rechtsanwälte GmbH

"With the Ada App, we have found a partner that makes it possible to accompany the women in our company on their personal growth journeys every day with a mentor in their pocket. We believe that making each woman's strengths visible on a daily basis is the path to sustainable success. With the help of the Ada App, we offer our female employees, international expert tips tailored to their individual needs."

Monika Sternathova
Teamlead Job Grading & Diversity Manager - Erste Group Bank AG

"By implementing measures like the Ada App, we support our women worldwide in becoming visible. With the Ada App, they learn to develop an authentic style with which they are personally successful. We know that a good, positive and promising corporate culture needs female role models. Female role models will attract and retain young female talent to our company. In Ada growth, we have found a partner who supports us in this."

Marion Müller
Head of Management Development - voestalpine High Performance Metals GmbH

"As one of the largest auditing companies in Austria, we work in a dynamic environment in which you have to assert yourself. Our goal is to enable all our employees to reach their full potential. For us, the Ada app is an indispensable part of our road map to gender equality. The app encourages everyone - from career starters to managers - to take their career development into their own hands. We therefore recommend the app to all aspiring talents."

Alexandra Fenz
Head of Human Resources - BDO Austria

"At Drei, we focus on female talent because they are helping to shape Austria's digital future. When we heard about the Ada app, it quickly became clear to us that we would try it out. At Drei, we like to focus on female growth. It's about every female employee expressing their inner strength. That benefits us all. Users say: "The Ada app is my new favorite in-between activity. I can use it to develop myself further at home or at work. I try out the little tips and they work even better than I thought. What's more, the Ada app is like a Post It for me, reminding me in my stressful everyday life to implement little things and do them better. "

Susanna Horky
Teamleader HR Business Partner
at Hutchison Three Austria

"The Ada app is the mentor in every female bus driver's pocket. We want to empower our women with this app. That's why we rely on our cooperation partner. Here at Postbus, we are in a male-dominated industry and are therefore very interested in appealing to women with our job profiles. Postbus currently employs 10% female bus drivers. They play a key role in making Austria even greener. Users of the app can download the content conveniently to their smartphone at any time. This app is a tool that is tailored to female needs!"

Claudia Kirchmair
Head of Human Resources - ÖBB Postbus AG